Monday, May 4, 2015

Blog Post X-2


So while I was looking up information to post about in blog post number ten something interesting crossed my direction. A map of the "mega-cluster". It has a video attached to it that will be EXTREMELY interesting to watch. It's short. But, worth it! Here is the link. 

Blog Post X-1

This is actually a map of the celestial sphere, an application that I use on my phone when navigating the skies when I use my telescope called Star Chart. Star Chart is a very convenient app that no only tells you where you are looking at in the celestial sphere but when certain events are happening too such as a meteor showers and such. It is an amazing app for what it is! 

Blog Post IX

This is a map of the incident in Nepal. 

Blog Post VIII

This map is probably my most favorite map ever, because this is Tesla Motors Supercharger network distribution map that displays everywhere you can charge your car with a Model S, WHICH IS MY DREAM CAR! 

Blog Post VII

This map is probably the best one for the panning and zooming example and it is extremely interactive. I highly recommend playing around with this! 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Lab IX

 Now this was a challenge and kind of a pain to do, but, hey I learned something didn't I? xD >_< 

-Alfred McGilberry 

Monday, April 20, 2015


 This is the homework for Lab 8. Somewhat easy compared to the others but, PLEASE do not make it harder! >_< 

-Alfred McGilberry 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Here is the link to my homework page, so here you are professor! 

-Alfred McGilberry 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Final Project Proposal

Using the same idea I had last semester is GGS 310 I wanted to expand upon my Pokemon map. 

Basically make it more interactive while still holding on to the card like formula. I don't want to deviate to much from what I have because it looks fine as is honestly. But, if I were to add anything to it, it would be to add roll-overs everywhere it is needed, like the different Poke'ball images on the map and perhaps add in music as well if at all needed. Perhaps add in a few hyper links to previous Pokemon TCG and Video Game events as well to give parents whom are looking at this map for children examples of what they would be taking their child to!

-Alfred McGilberry 

Monday, March 30, 2015

Lab VI

Here is the link to my homework page, so here you are professor! 

-Alfred McGilberry 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Blog Post VI

Even though this map has a VERY BASIC splash screen, it is a splash screen nonetheless, and it is worth mentioning that the information posted within is quite useful. I liked the map quite a bit. 

-Alfred McGilberry

Blog Post IV & V

The NASA map is a good example of the interactive map because there is so much you could do with it. It is a very informative, yet fun interactive map that could be used to educate one on the history of astronomy through NASA and such. - Blog Post IV.


This map fits the description of what the blog post requirements for. However, it begins as a video. But, it does utilize the tweens effect the blog requires. - Blog Post V

Nazi Germany Map

-Alfred McGilberry 

Blog Post III

This map fits the description that this blog post requires. You are able to turn on and off layers, and you can even change the between day and night time. It's pretty interesting to look at and play with, especially if you are into astronomy, cosmology. 

Link to the map

-Alfred McGilberry 

Lab V

Monday, February 9, 2015

Blog Post II

This isn't to much of a map but, it fits what you want to use for the sake of the blog post. This temporal scrapbook of the earth and how it was before we were here is very interesting needless to say. It effectively shows change over time, as per your request. 

-Alfred McGilberry 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Lab I

What are you looking at is the result of the Mega Thrust Earthquake that rocked the area of Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The Earthquake was caught to be around about 9.1-9.3 which is INSANITY and it  was longest duration ever 8.3 to 10 minutes!  In geologic terms, the Indian tectonic plate pushed in a northeasterly direction underneath the Burma plat resulting in 15 meters (approximately 45ft!) of displacement. As you can obviously tell, the chaos that ensued was massive and deadly. Hopefully, something like this doesn't come around again for quite sometime. 

-Alfred McGilberry 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Blog Post I

I like this map because I've used it before in the past. I used it to find out where astroimagers are located at so I can join them. Sadly, though I haven't been able to find someone close enough to the woodbridge area that has a remote interest in astronomy and it is annoying. Believe me. But, my work continues but, hey it's all good. Looking at this interactive map, I am quite surprised that there are so many Celestron members, but, I am sure there are much more than what is displayed, call it a lack of data. But, it is whatever I guess. Even with the lack of data on this map, I find myself in love with map for sure. 

-Alfred McGilberry